Violent Crime in D.C. Drops to Lowest Levels in Over 30 Years

by Stacy M. Brown

Violent crime in Washington, D.C., has reached its lowest levels in over three decades, according to data released by the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and announced by U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves.

Total violent crime in the District dropped 35% in 2024 compared to the previous year, with significant reductions in homicides (down 32%), robberies (down 39%), armed carjackings (down 53%), and assaults with dangerous weapons (down 27%).

“These results reflect the strategy our office implemented to focus on the drivers of violence — gangs or crews involved in drug trafficking, carjackings, and armed robberies,” Graves said. “It takes time to develop these investigations and prosecutions, but this is the fruit of that labor — a reduction in violent crime that D.C. is now seeing.”